Friday, 13 December 2013

Objects/Devices/Moments/Spaces of the casino

The following collages are the extracted themes from the previous 'Casino Collage', they are composed in a way that suggest forms/atmosphere/color/light for the proposing Casino design


Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Brain storm of Casino Design

Some quick sketches of casino design


Site plan with Canvey study


Archiving and reclaiming Canvey Island

These drawings below talk about examples of what Canvey elements are archived(scanned/studied) and are reclaimed(3d printed/reinterpreted). 


Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Pencil drawing of Urban strategy

Apology for the bad quality photos at 3 oclock in the morning, will update better one some time later...

A few notes on the Slow City

Firstly, and most importantly: the Slow City doesn't really exist. It's a city in my student project. It only exists in my mind and the minds of the people who've seen it.

That having been made clear:

(Galaxy Scale)
  • In 2500, there will be thirty trillion people, scattered fairly evenly through the galaxy - it is thinly spread, exists for now solely in this one galaxy, and has only been around for an eye-blink, compared to the life of the universe.

(Earth/World Scale)
  • Among the vast galaxy, people lives on a few handfuls of what are regarded as 'home' planets, and a few hundred more that were colonized (sometimes after terraforming) . Some lives on ships, rocks(hollowed-out asteroids and planetoids)and orbitals.
  • Not many people lives on Earth(the origin of mankind, AI and other species). As it is heavily protected, it is almost an archaeology planet, people(human, AI and other intellectuals) come here for research and learning purpose only.
  • There are unlimited resource against unlimited wants, the relationship between these two forms the foundation of the economy. Producing higher and higher supply efficiently to fulfil demands are no longer the end goal of the economy. 
  • It has gone through cyclical stages during which there has been extensive human-machine interfacing, and other stages when extensive genetic alteration has been the norm. The era of the project is based on so far is one in which the people have returned, probably temporarily, to something more 'classical' in terms of their relations with the machines and potential of their own genes.
  • There is another force aside from the nature of its human inhabitants and the limitations and opportunities presented by life in space, and that is Artificial Intelligence.
(Purpose of Life)
  • The humans, having solved all the obvious problems of their shared pasts to be free from hunger, want, disease and the fear of natural disaster and attack, would find it a slightly empty existence only and merely enjoying themselves.
  • The collective task of the human is to explore -- to explore the galaxy, its physical principles and laws quite comprehensively understood but the results of fifteen billion years of the chaotically formative application and interaction of those laws still far from fully mapped and evaluated. Also, to explore ourselves, who we are and what make us what we are. There are a planet of historical relic waiting to be mapped and evaluated.
(Slow City)
  • Sow city is on earth. It is the city of Canvey island at the Thames Estuary east of London. It is an important part of this whole mapping process along the edge of human inhabitation before the Great flooding around the first one hundred year of 21 century.
  • The mapping project explores the 'edge' in a full range of spectrum -- the edge of the human existence, the ambiguous boundary/definition of the boundary between water and land. By constantly mapping the research subjects and 3d printing( layer on top of layer) it, the printed city serve as a test bed, a sketch book for the people on this 'study trip', so that they experience it with scale and materiality. 


Saturday, 19 October 2013

Some quick story boarding

From Evernote:

Some quick story boarding

Quick story boarding for the introduction video I am making, will later do more of them and will give atmothpere in the photoshop later

Poster design_'waking up'

From Evernote:

Poster design_'waking up'

Here is the updated poster I've been working on -- It is about an intensive mapping of the moment of 'waking up in my room in the morning'. The data of the light, sound, smell, mood, imagination are extract and are feed into different commands that further generate spacial and atmospherical data. At the end of this process you will get a 3d model, a set of materials and atmosphere. 
It is imagined with the future technology of 3d printing, this 'momental space' can be therefore produced.

and here are some details:

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Weihai Pavillion

Another project I felt very proud of:

And some drawings:

Wanda hotel under construction

Some recent photos of Wanda hotel, an project I spent lots of time working on at Make Architect.

And here are some design drawings: